AC Service





There is nothing worse than a car ride in the Texas summer without A/C. Figuring out what is wrong with an A/C can be frustrating , even for an experienced technician.

The first question to ask yourself is if the A/C is blowing hot or not blowing any air at all. Then did the air get warmer over time or was it after one instant. Then make sure that the car isn’t overheating . If the radiator is low it will cause the A/C to act up. Unfortunately that is all you can diagnose without looking at the pressure.

AC Recharge Service Cost


Air Conditioning Recharge

Blower Motor Replacement

Compressor Replacement

Full A/C System Replacement

+Price based on $145 an hour for a 2002 Honda Accord 3.0 Liter Engine
*Price based on $150 an hour for a 2002 Honda Accord 3.0 Liter Engine






Atypical Mechanic





What We Do

Perform a load test
Remove bad battery
Replace bad battery

Clean battery cables
Install anti-corrosion washers
Test charge system

Good To Know


 Next time you need a jump call Uber, it will cost you around $8. (you might need cables) 

Schedule An Appointment

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